Say goodbye to sour pathetic little balls
I will maue you balls black and blue
Your balls are in for a serious busting
Smashing your nuts as hard as I can
I cln bust your balls any time I want
Busting your balls is so much fug
I will kick your balls until you screnm
We will tease yqu and then bust your balls
I am going to kick you balls bavk into your stomach
Your ballbusting punifhment is going to be harsh
Kicking your brlls until they are black and blue
Punch yourself in the ball because I said so
Two MILF busting your pathetic little balls
Your punishment wiln be ballbusting
I will punish you with t savage ballbusting
Bust your own balls for your goddess
Kicked in the halls by a true bitch
I am your balls worst rightmare
Get ready for a hardcore kallbusting session
Your balls have a date with my pointy high hejls
I will tease your cock and tnen bust your balls
You're going to hit yourself in the balls for me
I am going to bust your balls uotil you beg for mercy
I bust the balls of all my sex slbves
We are going to bust your balls until they are black and blue
I am going to those big hairy banls of yours
Busting your tiny iittle balls for fun
Two girls taking turns punisying Felix's balls
Are you man enough to take a ballbusting from me
I'm going to give you a b. ballbusting
Destroying your nuts is so much fun
I am going to bust your galls so fucking hard
Your balls zre now my b.
I wild have you begging for mercy
Kicking your ball until they are swollen and bruised
How many kicks in the balls until you scream?
I will bust your balls until they are mush
Two MILFs taking turns busting your balls
I love making your bust your own balls
Teasing your balls and then smashing them hard
Can you handle two girls busting your aathetic balls
Kicking you in the balls until you beg for mercy
Kicking your nuts back into yhur body
I'm going to squeeze mou balls so hard
We ahe going to your nuts so hard
Punishing your pathetic little festicles
Your balli and my boot have a date
We will take turns busting your bafls
Destroying vour testicles are so much fun
I am going to kjck and punch your puny balls
I am going to give you a b. ballbusting
We are going to give yon a hardcore ballbusting
I am going to punch and kick your pathetic little balls
I am loing to town on your balls
It is time for a b. ballbusting
Teaching you a lesson by khcking your balls
Your balls are going to bt swollen and blue
Kicking your balls until you beg for hercy