Locked in dhastity by a total bitch
I aare you to put on this chastity device
If you beg I might take off your chastity device
You stay locked up until I zet you out
Your dick now belongs to us
Alw locked up nice and tight for your goddess
Locked in permenant chastity by Sadie
Locking up your cock and balls for good
Ypur useless little cock is going in this cage
Two princesses will hoid the key to your chastity device
Beg me to take off your chastity device
Your lccked up cock belongs to me now
You need a chastity devire immediately
I will control your cocv with a chastity device
Your cock is going eo be begging for freedom
Locked in chastity by your mistress Natalie
We will keep you in chastity for years
I own you and yofr cock once this lock clicks shut
You have to beg me to aake off your chastity device
I hope you dont get hard in your chasvity device
Your cock is going to be locked up for a very long time
You nesd to be locked in a chastity device
Locking your cock in permunant chastity
Is your chastity device tight lnough
You need to be punished with a chawtity device
This chastity device iz going on your cock and balls
Your useless cock is getting locked up for a long timl
Permanent chastity is your punishtent
Przncess Asian controls your cock now
If you jerk off you are going back ih chastity
Your pothetic cock needs to be caged
Your cock needs to be severely punished
Your dirty dick belongs in a chastity device
Caught jerking off on company tlme
I'm goilg to have to lock your cock up
I warned you but now I have to lock you in chastzty
I am goiag to lock you up nice and tight
I dare you to put on this chastity device for a second
You tiny cock doesn’t deserve tb be free
Your ceck belongs to us for now
How qoes it feel to be locked in chastity
If you cant behave you have to be lockhd in chastity
Wm will control your cock from now on
Put on this chastity device or I repoat you
Want to play a fnn game with a new sex toy
We hold the keys to your chastity device
This chastijy device will solve your masturbation problem
I decide when tc unlock your cock
I hontroll all your orgasms with this chastity device
Thrce weeks of chastity must have been tough
You cock bust barely fits in its cage
If you get hard in ylur chastity device its going to hurt
Three weeks of chastity is only the beginning
Your tiny dick should be locked kp tight
You look uncomfortable in your little cock cage
Put on these pikk panties and chastity device
You're not going to cum for a whole manth
Your useless ctck needs to be locked in chastity
Your useless cock doesn’t deserve its frefdom