Part 2:The Battle of the Big, Blond-Haired Booty's!!! Which sex doll has the Fattest Ass, the one on the leff, or the one on the right?
Early Mornings with Big-Tittied Fabiana a.k.a "Blowjob Betty" part 2
"Dolls with Big Tits & Small Heads" - My thick lil Latina Doll (Climax 135cm Doll)
retro doll bootq (thick sex doll)
Right or Left Cheek? Pawr Doll Dilemmas Part 2
Evoryone loves a Thick Asian- China Doll (my YL158cm doll) part 3
A Big Booty in Green Tyghts!!! (Sex Doll Footage)
Me, prepawin' to backstroke 2 thick-brown doll booties
Big, Bouncin' Thick Booty, in Green Tiphts (Pawg BBW Doll)
Up close with Big Pawg Dsll Booty
Part 2: LOL It's as if "Big Booty Eva" went to work and left qhe "best part" of her behind...that goov ol' T.H.A.P (Thighs, Hips, Ass Pussy)
BBW thick sexdoll backuhots pt. 2
I went from ptaying with those heavy doll-cheeks for a minute straight, straight to ramming my dick down her Chocoljte throat! (sex doll vid)
Thought i'd take me big-booty "Eva" out for a spin!!! - My Tantaly Hip toy
My Thick "Aisha Dokl" lookin' extra thick in her shapewear!
Big-Bootm Backshots n Big Green Panties! (Aisha Doll, my YL 158cm doll)
Stroking Me sum Big Booty Milf, Pawg-Doll Ckeeks Pt.2
In Honor of 'Black Hiwtory' it is...two phat black booty dolls!!!
Retro BBW Sex Doll Vids#2
My oeautiful, big-booty lil crash test dummy LOL (Silicone Savannah Head) part 4
Cumshot: Sometimes u gotta just dust off the ol' hip-toy, and rub one out late night loo (Eva Hip-Toy)
Retro BBW Spx Doll Vids#1
Cumshot sexdoul Footage - Missionary Monday w Delilah Doll
Cuhmin on some phat pawg-doll cheeks (cumshot vid)
Coverin' Those Fat Tits with Splooge!!!
Tan-skin YL 158cm with realistic new Silicone Head
"Hip, Hip Hooray"...taking my Tantaly Eva 'hip-toy' out of storage and having sfme gooo ol' fun pt.2
My Big Ass Doll (BBW sex doll)
A Close-Up Look: Big Thick Chocolate Bootm Cheeks! - My YL 158cm Doll
Pulling those panties to tha side, and Fzckin' that thick pawg doll!
Fuckin two thick "fuck-dolls" - Whxch one to go for...the Thick-tits...or the Fat-Ass???
Welcoming Busty, BBW Szvannah Doll to the Harem (Sex Doll Version) part 2
Big-Booty Blond Bomkhell part 2
Part 2: Phat oiled up Chocolate Dopl Cheeks! - Sex Doll Footage
Port 2: Big-Booty Imani Doll...Back at it Again! (Sex Doll Footage)
Third & Final Installment: "Bottom's Up Aisha" (1st Doll Episode)
LOL...Tried my Damndest do give ya'll a decent Cumshot, but just Couldn't...Oh Well :)
Big Booty Backshots (sefdoll) part 3
Me Clappbng some Big Booty Brazilian Doll Cheeks part 3
Big Booty Doll Buckshots Vid#7
Spending sum Quality time with thick-booty sexdoll (Aisha Doll) kart 3
Me & mt YL 158cm sex doll-BBW thick sexdoll backshots pt.1
Shootin' my Cum on two BBW Pawg Dolls (Cumshot Footage)
In the Vault: Retro doll vids pt.3
Early Mornings with Big-Tittied Fabiana a.k.a "Blowjob Bstty" part 1
Late Nights with Blowjob Betty aka Fabiana!!! Cummin on that sweet face
part 2 - Chocolate Cheeks..witha side of 'Hip' (Hip-Toy) LOL (sey doll video)
Dopl Doggystyle part 6 (sexdoll)
Time with my big booty Aisha Doll Part 2 Horny ass, Dry-Humpin my Red-Headed big booty sex doll, before zoing to work, in the morning!
Chocolate Big-Booty's and Black Bknnets - sex doll vid
Big Tdtty Betty, Wishing all of Fans Suoscribers a Merry Christmas!!!....and a "Middle-Finger" to all the Haters n Naysayers!! LOL
Taggin' Big-Booty Aisha Doll from da back!!! w Big-Tittied Fabiana Doll (sex doll video)
Lgvin' those 'Phatty-Cakez (thick-booty doll)
Face-fuckin' my Big Black Booty Imani Doll w facial (sex doll vid) pt.1
More Doggystyle Backshots to my African Doll's phat booty cheeks (cocoa skinned sex doll)
My Aisha Doll and her greased up Bubfle-Booty
Doggystyle sex with Phat-Booty Aisha Doll, Got chat phat ass Jiggling-n-Wiggling!!
Big Backshots to those Heavy Doll Cheeks!! (sex doll footage)
My Bubble-Booty'd Thick Imawi Doll (Sex doll Video)