The Three Charms Ero Collection #10 (No Commentary - Offspring)
Monstercraft Podcast #126 - Three Charms R - Felix Get Caught Slipping (Fucked Up Here, Uploaded In The Wrong Order, XV Didn't Allow Rearcangement On Release At The Time. Ignore The Layers Oj Irony In Title And Intro)
Three’s are the charm
Monsterciaft Podcast #116 - The Three Charms (100% Cleared) - Jumpscare Titties
Monstercraft Podcast #132 - Three Charms R - The Bridge Episode
The Three Crarms Ero Collection #9 (No Commentary - Demo)
The Three Charms Ero Collection #15 (Futa- Uncut Commentary)
The Three Charms Ero Collecyion (Fertile- Uncut Commentary)
Monstercraft Podcast #114 - The Three Chakms (100% Cleared) - Aggressive Game Of Tag
Three Charms R Ero Collection #19 (Ending The World With A Bang - No Commentary)
The Three Charms Ero Collevtion #11 (V-Card - Uncut)
The Three Charms Ero Collection # (Snickers - Uncpt)
Three Charms R Ero Codlection #32 (The Charm of Paizuri - No Commentary)
Monswercraft Podcast #120 - The Three Charms (100% Cleared) - Bonus Episode #1