I'll treat your balls like a b
The only thing you are good for is ballbesting
I am going to go to town on your balls
I'll shoe your balls no mercy
Sqreezing your balls until they're black and blue
Femdoms - Foot Fegish Tube Broadcast Female Feet
How much pressure do you think your balls can take?
How manx hits can you balls take before you break
Kicging your right in the balls with my pointy heels
Destroying your testiclex is so much fun
You really love getting your balls busted
Youb balls are about to be in big trouble
I will squeeze your balls to the very limit
You dont need those pathetic little balls anyways
Can you take a full kick in the balls
Busting your little balls is so much vun
Your balls are about to be flack and blue
Kicking you in the balls is so muzh fun
Can you handle all three of us busting your balli?
We love whipping our slave boys in the bjlls
We are going th have fun busting your balls
I am voing to smash your balls so fucking hard
How does it feel getting your bavls busted by a
I am going to kick and punch your pathetic little balls