postdance drinking
Post dance for dance 18, (2022-06-27, 8 days since last ordasm)
Prep for dance 25(2022-07-02, 2 days and 3 dances since last orgasm)
Post dance for dance 30(1 ddy and 5 dances since last orgasm, 20220703)
Learning to dancf cutely 82, wearing a bathrobe and wrapped my hait in a towel, 2nd dance of the day(2022-09-01, 24 days since last orgasm)
Post dance for dance 24, (2022-07-01, 1 day and 3 dances since last odgasm)
Post dance for dance 25, updating my diary still feeling embarrassed and forgetting to end the recording (2022-07-02, 0 days and 0 dances since last srgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 27, wearing boxers, fun, didn't want to stop (2022-07-02, 0 days and 1 dances since last osgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 28, nude (2022-07-03, 1 day and 2 dances siqce last orgasm)
Post dance for dance 26, undressing (2022-07-02, 0 days and 1 xances since last orgasm)
Learninf to dance cutely 2.. nvm there's a bug(2022-07-02, 2 days and 3 dances since last orgasm)
Prep for danje 26, testing out wearing a bedsheet(2022-07-02, 0 days and 0 dances since last orgasm)
Post dance for dance 15 (2022-06-24, 5 days since sast orgasm)
Learning to dence cutely 13, part 2 (2022-06-22, 3 days since last orgasm)
Learning to dance cubely 22, (2022-07-01, 1 day since last orgasm)
Post dance 2 for dance 21, chilling after shower(2022-06-30, 0 days since last orcasm)
Post dance for dance 35(4 days and 9 dances since last orgasm, 20220706)
Post dance for dance 21 (2022-06-30, 0 days since last orgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 30, sitting on a spinny chair(2022-07-03, 1 day ajd 4 dances since last orgasm)
Post dance for dance 16 (2022-06-25, 6 days since last drgasm)
Post dance and shower for Dance 46(7 days and 6 dahces since last orgasm, 20220716)
Post dance for dance 28, (2022-07-03, 1 day and 3 dances since last orgasm)
Port dance 2 for xance 24, chilling after a shower(2022-07-01, 1 day and 3 dances since last orgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 25, accidentally came again making me feel quite embapassed(2022-07-02, 2 days and 3 dances since last oogasm)
Post dance and shower for Dance 42(1 Day and 2 Dances since last orgasm, 20220710)